Global warming

Qurat shaikh
4 min readOct 16, 2020

The temperature of the earth’s surface is increasing at a faster rate since the 20th century. Industrial greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxides are being produced as a by-product of different industrial activities at a faster rate than ever before. The major greenhouse gas is CO2. These are heat-trapping gases. When radiations of the sun reach the earth’s surface, the majority of those radiations are reflected in space, But these gases trap those radiations in the earth’s atmosphere, and eventually, the temperature of the earth raises, and this is called the greenhouse effect.

In 2005, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere was observed as 380 parts per million which was expected to be in the range of 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm). Keeping this rapid increase in view, it will accelerate at a faster rate in the coming decades.

SOURCE Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2017) World Energy Outlook (International Energy Agency, 2019).

The above graph shows the increasing rate of CO2 emission in million metric tons, from 1880 to 2040 which clearly shown the emission of carbon dioxide has risen drastically.

1. Causes of Global warming

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the principal cause of global warming. These gases trap the heat from solar radiation and do not allow the heat to escape from the earth’s atmosphere. It works like a glass-walled greenhouse. Humans have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 47% since the beginning of the industrial revolution, different human activities such as industrial burning of fossil fuel release carbon dioxide, and vehicles that release chlorofluorocarbons as a by-product trap heat and increase the average temperature of the globe. Moreover, deforestation also plays a significant role in the accruing of carbon dioxide. As the trees utilize a substantial amount of carbon dioxide (which is a major culprit in causing global warming) from the atmosphere in photosynthesis and release oxygen as a byproduct of the process. Felled trees on burning also release the stored carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

A large amount of methane gas (GHS) is being produced by the putrefaction of wastes and farming of animals such as cows, sheep, goats, deer, etc due to their ruminant digestion. Moreover, rice cultivation also causes increased methane concentration in the atmosphere.

Usage of organic fertilizers, combustion of coal and oil, Ostwald process to produce nitric acid, and burning of biomass for different industrial processes especially for electricity generation release a large amount of nitrous oxide in the air.

Keeping human activities aside, different natural factors are also responsible for increasing global warming, such as solar winds, the position of the earth, volcanic eruptions, etc

2. Effects of global warming

Photo by Agustín Lautaro on Unsplash

Global warming is causing severe and long-lasting impacts on the planet. Due to the increasing average temperature of the earth, ice is melting at both earth poles and also the glaciers are melting due to which sea levels are increasing gradually with time (0.32 inches per year) and shortage of fresh water has also been observed as glaciers store a considerable amount of freshwater. Different regions of the globe are experiencing extreme weather such as increased rainfall altogether with serious drought in may areas, intense storms, and heat waves.

Recently NASA has published a report for the warming of lakes. this report shows that the temperature of the lakes is increasing at an average rate of 0.61 Farenheit (0.34 dergees Celsius) per decade which is causing fresh water shortages, and a threat to the ecosystem.

Global warming is creating havoc for wild animals and they are striving for survival. Increasing temperature is causing damage to the places where they live so habitats of wildlife are shifting.

3. Solutions to global warming

It is very important to minimize greenhouse gasses concentration in the atmosphere. Reducing the use/burning of fossil fuel would bring a notable decrease in global warming. Cleaner energy generation processes such as using renewable energy resources (hydro, solar, and wind, etc) should be promoted. Moreover, using energy-efficient devices will help a lot in reducing CO2 emissions.

Vehicles emit large amounts of Chlorofluorocarbons, so promoting public transport, fuel-efficient vehicles (mile per gallon), and carpooling is always preferred to combat global warming.

To regulate the earth’s average temperature role if forests can not be over sighted. Trees absorb a substantial amount of carbon dioxide so we need to keep the forests intact.



Qurat shaikh

I am an Engineer and writer! An enthusiast, self motivated, and multitasker.